
martes, 8 de septiembre de 2015

Calipers Master 1.2 Release 2

Calipers Master 1.2 R2

This update has a new major feature included: .
Now it is possible to append a subtool in a predefined size with the Append in Size functions.

Hope it will be usefull.

Get it here

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015

Calipers Master 1.2 Playlist with Audio!

Now all Calipers Master 1.2 breackdown videos with audio.
Thank you all for your support

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2015

Calipers Master v.1.2

Hi everyone,

Finally Calipers master v1.2 is here!

This version includes major updates and new features:

-Creation of Custom scales: Now you can create Custom MM, CM or Inches scales using an initial distance value and a percentage of shrinkage. The resulting Caliper units will match the 3D Print Exporter ratios.

-Now all distance messages will display Metric and Imperial Units conversions

-View in Real Size: Now works with custom scales as well as premade cales

-Restore Calipers Master: Recovers all Calipers Master functionalities after using any other Zplugin

-Height Mode: This mode allows to constrain Calipers to the selected axis. Helpfull for Heights and thickness

-Save and Load Units: Now you can save and load your custom scales along with your stored calipers on your hard drive and retrieve them later

-Now when a Caliper is generated the preview of the model is stored too.

Get it Here!

jueves, 6 de agosto de 2015

Calipers Master v.1.1. Free Updates

Calipers Master v1.1 new features:
  • Display objects in real size on screen
  • Work in Centimeters to increase performance
  • Create Scale now matches 3Dprint Exporter Units

Soon on Gumroad

Hope you enjoy it!

lunes, 29 de junio de 2015

CalipersMaster_v1 First Release

CalipersMaster_v1 ZPlugin Release 1 !

Hi there!

Very happy to announce the first release for the Calipers Master plugin for Zbrush 4R7 available!

Features Included:
-MM Scale: Set Scene to work in real world Millimeters
-Create Scale: Create a custom Scale such as Heads
-Restore Scale: Always can restore back to original modelling scale
-Set Start: Set starting point for the Caliper
-Set End: Set Ending point for the Caliper
-Calipers Master: One single hotkey to control Set Start and End
-Run In Distance Mode: Create Calipers sequentially from last ending Caliper and stores the accumulated distance
-Get Dist: To Display current Caliper measurement in scale Units
-Total Dist: Display the accumulated distance while Run In distance mode
-Store: Able to Store any hand drawn transpose Line
-Stored Calipers Slider: Store up to 32 Calipers
-Back and Forward buttons: To navigate the Stored Calipers Slider
-More features to come!

Get it Here!

Thank you all for your support!